This article will show you an example of how to detect the collision between rectangles and points in pygame. You can use the method pygame.Rect.collidepoint(point) to detect whether a rectangle collides a point in pygame, you can use the method pygame.Rect.colliderect(rectangle) to detect whether a rectangle object collides another rectangle object in pygame.
1. Pygame Rectangle Collision Example.
- In this example, it will draw 100 random points and 100 random rectangles in this example, all the points and rectangles are blue color by default.
- It will also draw a red big rectangle, and you can move this red big rectangle by pressing it with your mouse.
- When the red big rectangle collides with the points or other rectangles when you move it, the points and rectangles will change their color to green.
- Below is the example source code.
''' Created on Feb 23, 2022 @author: Jerry Zhao ''' import pygame, sys, random from ctypes.test.test_as_parameter import POINT # define the pygame main window size. MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE = (600,300) # this function will return a tuple with random x, y integer value. def random_point(max_x ,max_y): point_x = random.randint(0, max_x) point_y = random.randint(0, max_y) return (point_x, point_y) def rectangle_colliding_example(): # initialize pygame application. pygame.init() # create the pygame application main window surface object. main_window_screen = pygame.display.set_mode(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE) # set the main window title. pygame.display.set_caption('Pygame Rectangle Colliding Example.') # define the rectangle's top left point coordinate. rect_left = 100 rect_top = 100 # calculate the rectangle object's width and height. rect_width = 100 rect_height = 100 # create the pygame.Rect object with the above values. rect_object = pygame.Rect(rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height) moving_by_mouse = False # declare the point list to save all random generated points coordinates. point_list = [] # define the created random points number. random_point_number = 100 # create 100 points and add them to the points list. for i in range(random_point_number): # create a point with random coordinate values. point_tmp = random_point(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[0], MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[1]) # add the point to the list. point_list.append(point_tmp) # declare the rectangle list to save all random generated rectangle objects. rectangle_list = [] # it will create 100 random rectangles. random_rectangle_number = 100 # create 100 rectangle and add them to the rectangles list. for i in range(random_rectangle_number): # create a point coordinate. point_tmp = random_point(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[0], MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[1]) # create a pygame.Rect object use the above point coordinate. rectangle_tmp = pygame.Rect(point_tmp, (50,50)) # add the pygame.Rect object to the list. rectangle_list.append(rectangle_tmp) # define the main loop. while True: # fill the main window background color to gray. main_window_screen.fill(pygame.Color('gray')) # draw the big red rectangle on the main window screen. pygame.draw.rect(main_window_screen, pygame.Color('red'), rect_object, 2) # process events. for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) # the below code will move the rectangle by mouse. # if user press down the mouse key. if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # if the user click the rectangle. if rect_object.collidepoint(event.pos): # set the moving_by_mouse to True. moving_by_mouse = True # if user release the mouse key. if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: # then set the moving_by_mouse to False. moving_by_mouse = False # if user move the mouse and the moving_by_mouse is True. if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and moving_by_mouse: # then move the rectangle object. rect_object.move_ip(event.rel) # define the point circle radius. point_radius = 6 # draw each point in the point_list. for point in point_list: # if the big red rectangle collides the point. if rect_object.collidepoint(point):, pygame.Color('green'), point, point_radius, 0) else:, pygame.Color('blue'), point, point_radius, 0) # draw each small rectangle in the rectangle_list. for rectangle in rectangle_list: # if the big red rectangle collides the small rectangle. if rect_object.colliderect(rectangle): pygame.draw.rect(main_window_screen, pygame.Color('green'), rectangle, 2) else: pygame.draw.rect(main_window_screen, pygame.Color('blue'), rectangle, 1) pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': rectangle_colliding_example()
2. The Pygame Rectangle Collision Example Demo Video.
- The demo video URL is