This article will tell you how to use Python to develop a WebSocket server and client applications with examples. It will use the python websockets module and asyncio module.
1. Install The Python websockets Module.
- Open a terminal and run the command pip show websockets to see whether the Python websockets module has been installed or not.
(MyPythonEnv) C:\Users\zhaosong>pip show websockets WARNING: Package(s) not found: websockets
- If it shows can not find the websockets module, then you can install it with the command pip install websockets.
(MyPythonEnv) C:\Users\zhaosong>pip install websockets Collecting websockets Downloading websockets-10.3-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl (98 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 98 kB 1.3 MB/s Installing collected packages: websockets Successfully installed websockets-10.3
- Run the command pip show websockets again to verify that the websockets module has been installed successfully.
(MyPythonEnv) C:\Users\zhaosong>pip show websockets Name: websockets Version: 10.3 Summary: An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 & 7692) Home-page: Author: Aymeric Augustin Author-email: [email protected] License: BSD Location: c:\users\zhaosong\anaconda3\envs\mypythonenv\lib\site-packages Requires: Required-by:
2. Python Client & Server WebSockets Example.
2.1 Create WebSockets Server.
- Before you can use the Python websockets module you should first import it.
import websockets
- Define an async function as the handler that will handle the client websocket request. In this function, you can receive client request data using the websocket.recv() method and then sent data back to the client on the server-side using the websocket.send(response_data) method. In this example, the function is async def websocket_request_handler(websocket, path).
async def websocket_request_handler(websocket, path): # receive the client websocket send data. client_data = await websocket.recv() # construct the response data. response_data = "Below is the data recieved from client:\n" + client_data await websocket.send(response_data)
- Call the websockets.serve(websocket_request_handler, host, port_number) method to start the WebSocket server and make it listen to the client websocket request.
# create and start the websocket server listen on the provided host and port number. def start_websocket_server(host, port_number): # create the websocket server with the provided handler, host, and port_number. websocket_server = websockets.serve(websocket_request_handler, host, port_number) print('websocket server is running and listening on port number : ' + str(port_number)) # run the websocket server asynchronouslly. asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(websocket_server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()
- In this example, the websocket server is implemented in the file, below is the file source code.
import websockets import asyncio import time # create handler for each connection # when there is a connection to the websocket server, the handler function will be invoked. # You can receive data from the client websocket and send data back to the client in this function. async def websocket_request_handler(websocket, path): # receive the client websocket send data. client_data = await websocket.recv() print(time.ctime() + '\n' + client_data + '\n\r') # construct the response data. response_data = "Below is the data recieved from client:\n" + client_data # send the data back to the client websocket. await websocket.send(response_data) # create and start the websocket server listen on the provided host and port number. def start_websocket_server(host, port_number): # create the websocket server with the provided handler, host, and port_number. websocket_server = websockets.serve(websocket_request_handler, host, port_number) print('websocket server is running and listening on port number : ' + str(port_number)) # run the websocket server asynchronouslly. asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(websocket_server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': host = "localhost" port_number = 9999 start_websocket_server(host, port_number)
- When you run the above python file with the command python .\, you will get the output like below. The text is the data sent from the client WebSocket, you will know it later.
> python .\ websocket server is running and listening on port number : 9999 Fri May 6 18:51:59 2022 hello how are you? I love python
2.2 Create WebSockets Client.
- The example client websockets file name is, you can run it with the command python .\
> python .\ Please input the text send to the websocket server, type send to finish. >hello >how are you? >I love python >send Below is the data recieved from client: hello how are you? I love python
- Below is the source code.
import asyncio import websockets # define the async function that send the text to the websocket server. async def ping_websocket_server(send_text): # define the websocket server access URL. websocket_server_url = 'ws://localhost:9999/' # connect to the websocket server. async with websockets.connect(websocket_server_url) as websocket: # send the text to the websocket server and wait for the reply. await websocket.send(send_text) # get the websocket server return text. server_resp = await websocket.recv() # print out the server response text. print(server_resp) # this function will send the text to the websocket server by invoking the ping_websocket_server(send_text) function. def create_websocket_client(send_text): # call the asyncio function to invoke the ping_websocket_server(send_text) function. asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ping_websocket_server(send_text)) if __name__ == '__main__': print('Please input the text send to the websocket server, type send to finish.\n\r') send_data_all = '' # loop to get the user input text to send. while True: input_data = input('>') # when user type 'send' then break the loop. if input_data.lower() == 'send': break send_data_all += input_data + '\n' create_websocket_client(send_data_all)
I am not sure how to use all this. I have a RPi that hosts my website.
I want to add a page that displays data as it updates. In the simplest case, a python program is running waiting for the user to type a line. After the “Enter” I want the text line to appear on the webpage.
Do I run the six programs in separate terminal windows simultaneously?
Forgive me but I’m lost.