How to Upgrade to the Latest Version of PowerShell on Windows

 📌 Introduction: Why Upgrade PowerShell?

PowerShell is a powerful command-line tool in Windows. However, the default version (5.1) is outdated. Microsoft has released PowerShell 7.5 and the preview version 7.6, offering cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Linux, macOS), improved performance, intelligent command auto-completion, and enhanced multithreading. If you’re still stuck on version 5.1, it’s time to upgrade!

🚀 1. Check Your Current PowerShell Version

Before upgrading, you need to verify the current version:

  1. Press `Win + S`, search for `PowerShell`, and open it.
  2. Enter the following command:
  3. Press Enter. You will see your current PowerShell version, e.g.:
    PSVersion: 5.1.19041.2364

🔥 2. Upgrade PowerShell via GitHub

Best for users with GitHub access

  1. Open your browser and go to the [PowerShell GitHub repository](
  2. Click the `Releases` tab to view available versions.
  3. Select the latest stable release (e.g., `7.5.0`).
  4. Click `Show all assets` and download the installer that matches your system:
    – `PowerShell-7.5.0-win-x64.msi` → for 64-bit Windows
    – `PowerShell-7.5.0-win-x86.msi` → for 32-bit Windows
  5. Run the installer:
    – Check `Enable PowerShell Remoting` and `Add PowerShell to Path`
    – Click `Next` repeatedly, then `Install`
  6. After installation, check `Launch PowerShell` and click `Finish`.

⚡ 3. Install PowerShell Using Winget

Best for users who prefer command-line installations

  1. Open the old version of PowerShell (5.1).
  2. Search for PowerShell versions:
    winget search Microsoft.PowerShell
  3. Install the latest version:
    – Stable version:

    winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell --source winget

    – Preview version:

    winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell.Preview --source winget

🛒 4. Install PowerShell via Microsoft Store

Best for GUI users

  1. Press `Win + S`, search for `Microsoft Store`, and open it.
  2. Search for `PowerShell`.
  3. Click `Get` next to `PowerShell 7.5` or the preview version.
  4. Once installed, click `Open`.

🔧 5. Verify the Upgrade

  1. After installation, confirm the version by running:
  2. If you see `7.5.0` or higher, the upgrade was successful.

✅ Conclusion

  1. With the methods explained above, you can easily upgrade PowerShell on Windows:
    Method 1: GitHub download
    Method 2: Winget installation
    Method 3: Microsoft Store installation
  2. Choose the method that suits you best and enjoy the new PowerShell experience!

6. Demo Video

You can watch the following demo video by select the subtitle to your preferred subtitle language.

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