How To Show / Hide Tray Icons on the Taskbar in Windows11 and Windows 10

If you use Windows 11 or Windows 10, you may notice a small upward arrow at the bottom-right corner of the taskbar. Clicking this arrow reveals hidden system tray icons, which can sometimes be inconvenient to access. In this article, we’ll guide you step by step on how to make these icons visible on the taskbar for easier access, improving your workflow and efficiency.

1. Display Tray Icons on the Taskbar in Windows 11.

1.1 Open Taskbar Settings.

  1. Right-click on the taskbar and select “Taskbar settings”; or click the Start menu, choose “Settings” then navigate to “Personalization”.
  2. From the left menu, click “Taskbar”.

1.2 Access the System Tray Icon Settings.

  1. In the taskbar settings interface, locate the “Other system tray icons” section.
  2. Click the downward arrow to expand the options.

1.3 Select Icons to Show on the Taskbar.

  1. Toggle on the icons you want to display on the taskbar, such as Microsoft OneDrive, VirtualBox, or Bing Wallpaper.
  2. Similarly, toggle off icons you don’t use frequently to keep the taskbar clutter-free.

1.4 Verify Changes.

  1. Ensure all selected icons are now visible on the taskbar, and confirm the upward arrow is no longer displayed.

2. Display Tray Icons on the Taskbar in Windows 10.

2.1 Open Taskbar Settings.

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “Personalize”.
  2. From the left menu, choose “Taskbar”.

2.2 Access Icon Display Settings.

  1. On the right side, click the link labeled “Select which icons appear on the taskbar”.

2.3 Choose Icons to Display.

  1. Turn on the icons you wish to display, such as Microsoft OneDrive or VirtualBox. These will now be visible directly on the taskbar.

2.4 Use the Master Switch for Icon Visibility.

  1. At the top of the icon list, there’s a toggle switch that allows you to show or hide all icons at once.
  2. For a cleaner look, consider hiding infrequently used icons.

3. Conclusion.

By following the steps outlined above, you can fully customize the taskbar to display only the icons you frequently use. This not only simplifies your operations but also creates a more streamlined and efficient user interface.

4. Demo Video.

You can watch the following demo video by select or auto translate the subtitle to your preferred subtitle language.

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