How To Show Hidden Files In Mac OS Finder And Select Hidden Files In Html Upload File Form

When you use Mac OS Finder to browse files, you will find it can not display hidden files. This is the Mac OS default settings. But this is not user-friendly when you need to select hidden files in the Mac OS Finder to submit the hidden files to a web server. So this article will tell you how to make the hidden files viewable in your Mac OS Finder, and how to select hidden files when you need to submit them to a web server.

1. How To Enable Show Hidden Files In Mac OS Finder.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Enter command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE in the terminal to enable show hidden files in Mac OS Finder option.
    $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
  3. Enter command killall Finder in the terminal to close all existing Finder windows. Now when you open a new Mac OS Finder, you can see the hidden files listed in it.
    $ killall Finder

2. How To Disable Show Hidden Files In Mac OS Finder.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Enter command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE in the terminal, this command will disable show hidden files in Mac OS Finder option.
    $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
  3. Close all existing macOS Finder window with command killall Finder in the terminal. Now you can not see the hidden files in Mac OS Finder.

3. How To Select Hidden Files When You Use Html File Upload Form.

  1. When you want to upload hidden files in Html page form, after you click the Choose Files button on the Html page, you will find that you can not browse and choose the hidden files in the popup browse file dialog window even you follow the above method to make the hidden files or folders viewable in Mac OS Finder.
  2. To fix this issue, you can first make the hidden files or folders unhidden in Mac OS Finder, then choose and submit the unhidden files to the webserver follow the below steps.
  3. Right-click the hidden files or folder, then click the Rename menu item in the popup menu list.
  4. Remove the dot ( . ) at the beginning of the file or folder name to make the file or folder unhidden.
  5. Now when you click the Choose Files button, you can browse and choose the hidden file or folder that is unhidden now. But after you submit them to the webserver, please do not forget to change it back to hidden again by add dot (.) at the beginning of the file or folder name to make them secure.

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