Windows users often encounter permission issues when trying to make changes to system settings or perform administrative tasks. Enabling the hidden “Super Administrator” account on Windows 10 can provide a robust solution, offering unrestricted access to system configurations and permissions. This guide explains how to activate the Super Administrator account, secure it with a password, disable it when not needed, and perform additional management using PowerShell.
1. What is the Super Administrator Account?
The Super Administrator account in Windows 10 is a hidden, built-in account that offers elevated privileges beyond regular administrator accounts. Although disabled by default, once enabled, it provides unrestricted control, making it ideal for resolving permissions-related issues.
2. How to Use Command Prompt to Manage Super Administrator.
2.1 Enabling the Super Administrator Account via Command Prompt.
- Open Command Prompt: Click the Start menu, type “CMD” and search for Command Prompt.
- Right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
- Enter the following command and press Enter:
net user administrator /active:yes
- This command will display “The command completed successfully” confirming activation.
- Check the Start menu and switch users to verify that the “Administrator” account is now available.
2.2 Setting a Password for the Super Administrator Account.
It’s essential to add a password to secure the Super Administrator account after enabling it. Follow these steps:
- Log in to the “Administrator” account, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Sign-in options -> Password.
- Set a strong password to protect the account.
Alternatively, set a password during account activation:
- Open Command Prompt as administrator.
- Type the following command with a chosen password (e.g., “666666”):
net user administrator 666666 /active:yes
- The Super Administrator account will now be enabled with a password, adding a layer of security.
2.3 Disabling the Super Administrator Account.
If you no longer need the Super Administrator privileges, disable the account to improve security:
- Open Command Prompt as administrator.
- Type the following command and press Enter:
net user administrator /active:no
- This command will hide the Administrator account from the login screen.
3. Managing the Super Administrator Account with PowerShell.
PowerShell, another powerful tool in Windows 10, can also manage the Super Administrator account.
3.1 Enabling the Super Administrator Account.
- Run PowerShell as an administrator and use this command:
Enable-LocalUser -Name Administrator
3.2 Setting a Password.
- To set a password for the Super Administrator in PowerShell, use:
$adminAccount = Get-LocalUser -Name Administrator $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "888888" -AsPlainText -Force Set-LocalUser -Name "Administrator" -Password $password
3.3 Disabling the Account.
- Use this command to disable the account:
Disable-LocalUser -Name Administrator
4. Conclusion.
Enabling the Super Administrator account can grant users maximum control for troubleshooting and system configuration. However, misuse can lead to security risks, so it’s advisable to enable it only when needed and disable it afterward to maintain system security.