How To Draw A Color Rectangle In Pygame

The python pygame.Rect(top, left, width, height) class is used to create a rectangle object. You can specify the rectangle object’s position (top, left) and size (width, height) when you create it. And the rectangle represented area must be drawn on a pygame surface object. This article will tell you how to use the pygame.Rect object to draw a rectangle with a provided color.

1. How To Draw A Color Rectangle In Pygame Steps.

  1. First, create an instance of the pygame.Rect class and provide the top, left point coordinates and the rectangle object width and height.
    rect_object = pygame.Rect(rect_left_top_point_x, rect_left_top_point_y, rect_width, rect_height)
  2. Then you can use the method pygame.draw.rect() to draw the rectangle object on the surface object.
    pygame.draw.rect(main_window_screen, rect_color, rect_object)
  3. Below is the python source code of this example, you can see the pygame.Rect object has a lot of attributes ( top, left, topleft, bottomright, center, midleft, midright .etc) to get the coordinates of the different points on the rectangle object.
    Created on Feb 23, 2022
    @author: Jerry Zhao
    import pygame, sys
    # define the pygame main window size.
    MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE = (600,300)
    # define a tuple to save all the pygame.Rect key points coordinate's attribute names.
    RECT_KEY_POINTS_ATTR_NAMES_TUPLE = ('topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'midtop', 'midright', 'midbottom', 'midleft', 'center')
    # this function will draw a rectangle with provided color.
    def draw_a_color_rectangle_example():
        # initialize pygame application.
        # create the pygame application main window surface object.
        main_window_screen = pygame.display.set_mode(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE)
        # set the main window title.
        pygame.display.set_caption('Draw Color Rectangle In Pygame Example')
        # define the rectangle object top, left coordinates values.
        rect_left_top_point_x = 150
        rect_left_top_point_y = 50
        # get the main window width and height.
        main_window_width = main_window_screen.get_width()
        main_window_height = main_window_screen.get_height()
        # calculate the rectangle object's width and height.
        rect_width = main_window_width - 2 * rect_left_top_point_x
        rect_height = main_window_height - 2 * rect_left_top_point_y
        # create the pygame.Rect object use the above parameters.
        rect_object = pygame.Rect(rect_left_top_point_x, rect_left_top_point_y, rect_width, rect_height)
        print('main_window_width = ', main_window_width)
        print('main_window_height = ', main_window_height)
        print('rect_object.x = ', rect_object.x)
        print('rect_object.y = ', rect_object.y)
        print('rect_object.width = ', rect_object.width)
        print('rect_object.height = ', rect_object.height)
        print('rect_object.left = ', rect_object.left)
        print(' = ',
        print('rect_object.right = ', rect_object.right)
        print('rect_object.bottom = ', rect_object.bottom)
        print(' = ',
        print('rect_object.topleft = ', rect_object.topleft)
        print('rect_object.topright = ', rect_object.topright)
        print('rect_object.bottomleft = ', rect_object.bottomleft)
        print('rect_object.bottomright = ', rect_object.bottomright)
        print('rect_object.midleft = ', rect_object.midleft)
        print('rect_object.midright = ', rect_object.midright)
        print('rect_object.midtop = ', rect_object.midtop)
        print('rect_object.midbottom = ', rect_object.midbottom)
        # create a pygame.font.Font object with the provided font size.
        font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
        # the pygame application's main loop.
        while True:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            # set the main window screen background color.
            main_window_background_color = pygame.Color('yellow')
            # set the rectangle color.
            rect_color = pygame.Color('red')
            pygame.draw.rect(main_window_screen, rect_color, rect_object)
            # loop all the pygame.Rect key points attribute names.
            for key_point_attribute_name in RECT_KEY_POINTS_ATTR_NAMES_TUPLE:
                # get the pygame_rectangle_object.key_point_attribute representation.
                point_position = eval('rect_object.' + key_point_attribute_name)
                # define the text color.
                text_color = pygame.Color('orange')
                # create the text surface object with the provided text(key_point_attribute_name) and color. 
                text = font.render(key_point_attribute_name, True, text_color)
                # draw the text on the pygame application's main window at the point_position.
                main_window_screen.blit(text, point_position)
                # create a green circle.
                point_circle_color = pygame.Color('green')
                # draw the circle on the main window at the point_position, the circle radius is 3.
      , point_circle_color, point_position, 6)
            # update the main window screen.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  4. When you run the above source code, you can see the pygame application’s main window screen has a yellow background color and a red rectangle on the center of the main window.
    draw a colorful rectangle in pygame example-1
  5. You can see the below output in the python console.
    main_window_width =  600
    main_window_height =  300
    rect_object.x =  50
    rect_object.y =  50
    rect_object.width =  500
    rect_object.height =  200
    rect_object.left =  50 =  50
    rect_object.right =  550
    rect_object.bottom =  250 =  (300, 150)
    rect_object.topleft =  (50, 50)
    rect_object.topright =  (550, 50)
    rect_object.bottomleft =  (50, 250)
    rect_object.bottomright =  (550, 250)
    rect_object.midleft =  (50, 150)
    rect_object.midright =  (550, 150)
    rect_object.midtop =  (300, 50)
    rect_object.midbottom =  (300, 250)

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