Managing file and folder ownership in Windows can be a cumbersome task, especially when dealing with permission issues. However, by adding a “Take Ownership” option to the right-click context menu, you can streamline the process significantly. This guide will walk you through both the manual method and a more efficient way using registry tweaks to achieve this.
1. Manually Changing Folder Ownership.
- Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder whose ownership you want to change.
- Right-click the folder (e.g., “test”) and select “Properties“.
- Go to the “Security” tab and click “Advanced“.
- In the “Advanced Security Settings” window, click “Change” next to the current owner.
- Enter the desired username (e.g., “jerry”), click “Check Names” and confirm.
- Ensure that the ownership has been updated under the “Security” settings.
Note: This method, while effective, involves multiple steps. The following section describes a simpler alternative.
2. Adding “Take Ownership” to the Right-Click Menu.
- Create and Run a Registry File.
- Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad) and input the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\TakeOwnership] [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\runas] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\TakeOwnership] @="Take Ownership" "Extended"=- "HasLUAShield"="" "NoWorkingDirectory"="" "NeverDefault"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\TakeOwnership\command] @="powershell -windowstyle hidden -command \"Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/c takeown /f \\\"%1\\\" && icacls \\\"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l' -Verb runAs\"" "IsolatedCommand"= "powershell -windowstyle hidden -command \"Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/c takeown /f \\\"%1\\\" && icacls \\\"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l' -Verb runAs\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\TakeOwnership] @="Take Ownership" "AppliesTo"="NOT (System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\Users\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\ProgramData\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\Windows\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\Windows\\System32\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\Program Files\" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\")" "Extended"=- "HasLUAShield"="" "NoWorkingDirectory"="" "Position"="middle" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\TakeOwnership\command] @="powershell -windowstyle hidden -command \"$Y = ($null | choice).Substring(1,1); Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList ('/c takeown /f \\\"%1\\\" /r /d ' + $Y + ' && icacls \\\"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l /q') -Verb runAs\"" "IsolatedCommand"="powershell -windowstyle hidden -command \"$Y = ($null | choice).Substring(1,1); Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList ('/c takeown /f \\\"%1\\\" /r /d ' + $Y + ' && icacls \\\"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l /q') -Verb runAs\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\runas] @="Take Ownership" "Extended"=- "HasLUAShield"="" "NoWorkingDirectory"="" "Position"="middle" "AppliesTo"="NOT (System.ItemPathDisplay:=\"C:\\\")" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\runas\command] @="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\\\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c" "IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\\\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\\\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c"
- Save the file with a `.reg` extension (e.g., `AddTakeOwnership.reg`). Make sure file extensions are visible.
- Double-click the file to execute it. When prompted, allow the changes to the registry.
- Verify the Right-Click Option.
- Open File Explorer and right-click any file or folder.
- Ensure that the “Take Ownership” option is visible in the context menu.
- Select it to quickly change the ownership to the current logged-in user.
3. Understanding the Registry File.
- For Files: The path `HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\TakeOwnership` adds the context menu for all files.
- For Folders: The path `HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\TakeOwnership` adds the context menu for all directories.
- Commands Executed: The `takeown` and `icacls` commands update ownership and grant administrative permissions.
4. Additional Tips.
- Protected Folders: Certain system folders (e.g., `C:\Windows`) are protected and cannot be modified easily.
- Registry Backup: Always back up the registry before making any changes.
- Removing the Option: To remove the “Take Ownership” option, use a registry file to delete the added keys.
5. Conclusion.
By following these steps, you can add a convenient “Take Ownership” option to your Windows context menu, enabling faster ownership changes. This tweak simplifies file management and enhances administrative capabilities on your system.
6. Demo Video.
You can watch the following demo video by select or auto translate the subtitle to your preferred subtitle language.
This works on individual files BUT not on Folders.