Copy Rows Between Excel Sheet Use Apache POI

Today I will show you how to copy selected row data in one excel file sheet, and save it to another new sheet using Apache POI. If you do not have any knowledge about Apache POI, you can read the article Read / Write Excel Data Using Apache POI first.

1. Steps Of Copy Rows Between Excel Sheets.

  1. Open the target existing excel file using Apache POI.
  2. Get selected data in a list from the source excel sheet.
  3. Clone the existing sheet to create a new one.
  4. Remove all rows in the new sheet.
  5. Save copied data into the new sheet.
  6. Below is the example code, you can see the comments for the detailed explanation.
    public class CopyExcelSheet {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		CopyExcelSheet ces = new CopyExcelSheet();
    		String excelFilePath = "C:/WorkSpace/EmployeeInfo.xlsx";
    		String copySheetName = "Employee Info";
    		List<List<String>> selectedRowDataList = ces.getExcelData(excelFilePath, copySheetName, 3, 6);
    		ces.createExcelSheetWithData(excelFilePath, selectedRowDataList);
    	/* Get the data in excel file. 
    	 * Return: 2D String list contains specified row data.
    	 * excelFilePath :  The exist file path need to copy.
    	 * excelSheetName : Which sheet to copy.
    	 * startRow : Start row number.
    	 * endRow : End row number.
    	 * */
    	private List<List<String>> getExcelData(String excelFilePath, String excelSheetName, int startRow, int endRow)
    		List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList();
    		if(excelFilePath!=null && !"".equals(excelFilePath.trim()) && excelSheetName!=null && !"".equals(excelSheetName.trim()))
    				/* Open the file input stream. */
    				FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(excelFilePath.trim());
    				/* Get workbook. */
    				Workbook excelWookBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
    				/* Get sheet by name. */
    				Sheet copySheet = excelWookBook.getSheet(excelSheetName);
    				int fRowNum = copySheet.getFirstRowNum();
    				int lRowNum = copySheet.getLastRowNum();
    				/*  First row is excel file header, so read data from row next to it. */
    				for(int i=fRowNum+1; i<lRowNum+1; i++)
    					/* Only get desired row data. */
    					if(i>=startRow && i<=endRow)
    						Row row = copySheet.getRow(i);
    						int fCellNum = row.getFirstCellNum();
    						int lCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
    						/* Loop in cells, add each cell value to the list.*/
    						List<String> rowDataList = new ArrayList<String>();
    						for(int j = fCellNum; j < lCellNum; j++)
    							String cValue = row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue();
    			}catch(Exception ex){
    		return ret;
    	/* Create a new excel sheet with data. 
    	 * excelFilePath :  The exist excel file need to create new sheet.
    	 * dataList : Contains all the data that need save to the new sheet.
    	 * */
    	private void createExcelSheetWithData(String excelFilePath, List<List<String>> dataList)
    		if(excelFilePath!=null && !"".equals(excelFilePath.trim()))
    				/* Open the exist file input stream. */
    				FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(excelFilePath.trim());
    				/* Get workbook. */
    				Workbook wookBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
    				/* Declare the new excel sheet. */
    				Sheet newSheet = null;
    				/* Get workbook sheet iterator. */
    				Iterator sheetIterator = wookBook.iterator();
    				/* If has existing sheet. */
    					newSheet = wookBook.cloneSheet(0);
    					/* Select this new cloned sheet. */
    					/* Because this is a cloned sheet, should remove all the cloned rows in it. */
    					Iterator<Row> rowIterator = newSheet.iterator();
    						// Get the clone row.
    						Row cloneRow =;
    						// Remove the clone row.
    						/* Because after remove the clone row, the iterator changed, 
    						 * so get it again, else java.util.ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown .*/
    						rowIterator = newSheet.iterator();
    					newSheet = wookBook.createSheet("New Sheet");
    				/* Create header row. */
    				Row headerRow = newSheet.createRow(0);
    				/* Loop in the row data list, add each row data into the new sheet. */
    					int size = dataList.size();
    					for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
    						List<String> cellDataList = dataList.get(i);
    						/* Create row to save the copied data. */
    						Row row = newSheet.createRow(i+1);
    						int columnNumber = cellDataList.size();
    						for(int j=0;j<columnNumber;j++)
    							String cellValue = cellDataList.get(j);
    				/* Write the new sheet data to excel file */
    				FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(excelFilePath);
    				System.out.println("New sheet added in excel file " + excelFilePath + " successfully. ");
    			}catch(Exception ex)


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