Android UI Design

Android UI Design

  1. Android AutoCompleteTextView Example
    android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView class is used to create auto complete user input component. This article will show you an example about how to use it.
  2. Android Button Selector Example
    This example show you how to use android selector drawable as a button background. The button color will change in different button state.
  3. Android Chat App Example Using RecyclerView
    This example shows how to use RecyclerView to implement a chat app in android.
  4. Android CheckBox Example
    android.widget.CheckBox class is used to implement CheckBox UI component. This artcile will show you how to use it and how to register event listener on it to process checked change event.
  5. Android Custom ListView With CheckBox Example
    Show you how to add checkbox for each listview item. How to implement select all, disselect all, reverse select and delete selected listview items.
  6. Android Custom RatingBar Example
    This article include examples about how to use and how to customize rating bar.
  7. Android Custom View And OnTouchListener Example – Move View On Touch Move
    This example will show you how to create android custom view component and how to use OnTouchListener to create a color ball follow user finger’s move.
  8. Android Enable / Disable Button By EditText Text Length
    Show you how to change button state and text by EditText text length in code.
  9. Android ExpandableListView Example
    This example show you how to create and use an ExpandableListView in android. 
  10. Android GridView And ImageSwitcher Example
    This example show you how to use GirdView and ImageSwitcher to create an image browser with fadein and fadeout image animation.
  11. Android Layer-List Example
    This article include some layer-list examples that help you to understand how to use it.
  12. Android ListActivity Example
    This article contains examples about how to use ListActivity to create a single ListView activity.
  13. Android ListView Example
    This example show you how to use ArrayAdapter, SimpleAdapter and BaseAdapter to render customized ListView items.
  14. Android Multi AutoComplete TextView Example
    This example show you how to use MutiAutoCompleteTextView class to implement multiple auto complete input text box. And how to modify it’s attributes both in xml and java code.
  15. Android Progress Bar Example
    This article will tell you android progress bar properties and sytles. It will also show you example about how to customize progress bar for your needs.
  16. Android Radio Button Example
    This example will show you how to use RadioGroup and RadioButton to implement radio button UI component.
  17. Android RecyclerView Example
    This article show you how to use RecyclerView to implement ListView, GridView and StaggeredGridView. 
  18. Android Recyclerview Horizontal Scroll Example
    Tell you how to add view items programmatically when scroll RecyclerView in horizontal direction.
  19. Android ReplacementSpan Example
    This example will show you how to customize span content in spannable string use a sub class of ReplacementSpan class.
  20. Android SeekBar Example
    This article will show you how to use and customize seek bar in android.
  21. Android SpannableString Example
    This example show you how to use SpannableString to implement some colorful and diverse String effect in TextView.
  22. Android Spinner Example
    This article contains examples about how to use android Spinner properties and how to customize Spinner adapters. 
  23. Android Splash Screen Example
    This article contains two examples about how to implement splash screen for both fix show time and uncertain show time.
  24. Android Shape, Selector Examples
    This example show you how to create Shape and Selector drawable object in android. And how to use them as button background.
  25. Android TabHost Example
    This article show exampls about how to use android.widget.TabHost to craete a Tab android application.
  26. Android Tab, Shadow Button Example
    This article show you how to use android selector, layer-list, shape to implement tab and shadow button effect.
  27. Android ToggleButton Example
    This example show you two examples about how to use ToggleButton widget in android app.
  28. Button Listener Key Listener And Browse Url Example
    This example will show you how to use android studio to create and register Button OnClickListener and Text Input Box OnKeyListener, it also show you how to open web browser to browse a web page url.
  29. How To Display Html Text In TextView And WebView
    Example about how to display html text in TextView and WebView with compare.
  30. How To Improve Android ListView Performance
    This article tell you how ListView behaves and how to improve it’s performance with three examples.
  31. How To Set Text Color And Background Color In Android Programmatically
    Example about how to change textview colors use source code in android.
  32. Use Java Code To Create Android UI Example
    Tell you how to create android UI with java code only without layout xml file.

Android Game

  1. Android Move Text With Arrow Key Example
    An example about how to move text view object in activity screen by keyboard arrow key.
  2. Android SurfaceView Drawing Example
    Example about how to use android SurfaceView to draw circle and rectangle which can move after your finger touch on the screen.
  3. Android Draw SurfaceView In Thread Example
    Example about how to draw on SurfaceView canvas and post the drawing to main thread UI view in a child thread.
  4. How To Play Gif File Use Android.Graphics.Movie Class
    Example about how to use class to display gif image.
  5. Android Canvas And Paint Common Drawing Function Example
    Tell you how to use android graphics canvas class’s methods to draw text or shape.